MEET (EU project)
Multidisciplinary and multi-context demonstration of EGS exploration and Exploitation Techniques and potentials
Project type:

Research / Development & Innovation

Project Location:

France, Iceland, Germany, Belgium, Croatia (demonstration sites: France, Iceland)

Project Leader:
GeoEnergy Europe Partners:
Non GEE Partners:

GFZ Helmholtz (DE), Iceland Innovation Center (IS), University of Zagreb (CR), Geological Survey of Belgium (BE), GEORG (IS), August University of Gottingen(DE) UniversitatsEnergie (DE)

Background & context:

The aim is to demonstrate the lower cost of small-scale production of electricity and heat in various geological environments, in order to support a large increase of geothermal-based production sites in Europe in a near future.

Project Summary:

MEET brings together 16 European partners: Industrials, small and medium enterprises, research institutes and universities, but also several geothermal demonstration sites in Europe located in various geological environments. The main objective of MEET is to capitalize on the exploitation of the widest range of fluid temperature in EGS (Enhanced geothermal systems) plants and abandoned oil wells.

Project achievements & innovative aspects:

1) Boosting the market penetration of geothermal power in Europe by demonstrating the viability and sustainability of EGS (electric and thermal power generation) in all kinds of geological settings. 2) Transfer of current known EGS technology to other geologic settings in Europe. 3) Optimization of reservoir productivity and EGS stimulation techniques.

Project Funding:
EU H2020
Project Budget: