
Working together to go beyond frontiers
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Our goals
Knowledge transfer
Main activities

The main activities of the GEO-ENERGY EUROPE metacluster can be listed as follows:

Capacity building, communication & dissemination

- Networking activities such as project meetings, clusters’ visits and B2B events to foster trans-national partnership building, mutual learning, sharing of experiences & best practices, promote know-how & technology transfer and cross-pollination between countries, subsurface applications & industry segments.
- Develop and sustain website and social network accounts to promote the know-how, products & services of GEO-ENERGY EUROPE member SMEs and disseminate case studies, news, etc.
- Joint participation to events: common booths on exhibitions and conferences.

Market & opportunity analysis:

- Sharing and using available intelligence data and members’ input to map, assess and prioritize high potential markets around the globe.

Joint internationalization strategy and implementation roadmap:

- Joint development of a strategy to access the markets prioritized above and a road map to implement the internationalization strategy.
- Organization of and attendance to joint international missions in order to initiate cooperation relationships with institutions or end user companies from targeted third markets.

Sectorial & cross-sectorial cooperation:

- Identification of opportunities for synergies or alliances with other EU and international geo-energy or geothermal initiatives and organizations such as DG-ETIP, IGA, EAGE(…) CanGEA, GRC, etc. and formalizing these cooperation relationships in cooperation agreements.
- Identification of common topics and cooperation opportunities, and formalizing cooperation agreements with clusters and similar organizations from other sectors.

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The Geo-Energy Europe Projet is funded by the EU COSME Programme

COSME is a European programme for the Competitiveness of Small and Medium sized Enterprises. The objective is of the COSME programme is to help European businesses to reach their full potential by an access to finance, markets, and by improving business conditions and encouraging entrepreneurship.

The GEO-ENERGY EUROPE project is funded by the European Union’s COSME Programme Grant Agreement number: 951195 (2020-2022).
All funded “Clusters Go International” projects are called ‘European Strategic Cluster Partnerships – Going International’ (ESCP-4i) by the COSME funding agency EASME. ESCP-4i’s specifically aim at helping SMEs to find easier access to global value chains and engage in long-term cooperation with strategic partners in third countries and thereby contributing to the European Commission’s objectives to boost growth, jobs and investment in Europe.

The GEO-ENERGY EUROPE metacluster
The GEO-ENERGY EUROPE projects partners formalized the creation of the GEO-ENERGY EUROPE metacluster and committed to sustain its life beyond the end of the ongoing project timeframe (2018-2019) through long-term cooperation by signing a Partnership Agreement in Dublin, January 2018.
All founding partners are qlso willing to expand the metacluster and welcome on board all interested European geo-energy and/or geothermal energy organizations, as a larger metacluster will help develop a stronger, more integrated and more exportable European sustainable geo-energy sector.

The content of this website represents the views of the author only and is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains