DESTRESS (EU project)
Demonstration of soft stimulation treatments of geothermal reservoirs
Project type:

Research / Development & Innovation

Project Location:

France, Germany, Hungary, Switzerland, Netherlands, Lithuania, S. Korea

Project Leader:

GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences (DE)

Non GEE Partners:

University of Glasgow (UK), Geo-Energie Suisse (CH), Geothermie Nubradenburg (DE), Geoterma UAB (LT), Delft Technical University (NL), NEXGEO (S. Korea), Seoul National Univerisity (S. Korea), Korea Institute of Civil Engineering (S. Korea), ECW Geomanagement (NL), Trias Westland (NL)

Background & context:

EGSs allow the enormous untapped potential of geothermal energy to be put to widespread use. The concepts explored in DESTRESS are based on experiences in previous projects and on scientific progress and developments in other fields, mainly the oil and gas sector. 

Project Summary:

DESTRESS demonstrates methods of enhanced geothermal systems (EGS). The overall objective is to develop good practices for creating reservoirs with increased transmissivity, sustainable productivity and a minimised level of induced seismicity.

Project achievements & innovative aspects:

Recently developed stimulation methods will be adapted to geothermal needs, applied to new geothermal sites and prepared for market uptake. The main focus is on stimulation treatments with minimised environmental hazard, which address site-specific geological requirements.

Project Funding:
EU H2020
Project Budget:
25 132 511,25 €
Website / Further Information: